Guston, Reed, Norfolk students on the rocks.
Summer 2022 Cohort on the rocks.
Jonathan Safran Foer reading in the Art Barn.
Student Studio
Sculpture coming out of the art barn doors.
Body Awareness Drawing with Molly Zuckerman-Hartung and Sarah Johnson, 2016
Dana Schutz Lecture at Yale Norfolk
Drawing Homework for Mark Thomas Gibson's class, 2016
Printmaking Demo with Nicholas Steindorf, TA
Jake Berthot crit in the Art Barn
Doron Langberg in his studio as a student at Yale Norfolk
Chuck Close as a student at Yale Norfolk, 1961
Lounging in the sun
Norfolk Group Portrait
Norfolk Printshop
Norfolk Students drawing in the grass
Norfolk students in the Art Barn
Norfolk Photography in a field nearby
Norfolk history!
Kiki Smith at Norfolk
Stretchers in the grass
Student and teacher
Kiki Smith at Norfolk
Students in studio
Signs for lectures
Value Studies in drawing class
Guston in Art Barn show
Body Awareness Drawing Workshop Aftermath, 2016